Thursday, August 30, 2018




  "KINTSUGI" Also known as "KINTSUKUROI". It means golden repair. 
It is a Japanese art form of repairing broken pottery with Lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered Gold, Silver or Platinum.

         The Japanese believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history, it becomes more beautiful.
Philosophy of that something broken can be remade into something even more beautiful.

Be a strong enough whatever happens

Don't force anyone to love you
If they are truly love you they will stay with you ever..
But if they don't, no matter
Whatever happens,
You should be strong enough...

Spring comes

Twisted vines in trees grows green
Bird sounds are heard
with Bloomed wild flowers
The mountains are coverd with fog
Spring time comes to the village

A couple of birds

In various colors
In various smells
Blooming and fading
Around the flower pattern,
On the leaves of grew up vine
Made a bird's cage
Swallowing the foods
By brought the mother bird's beak.
Shouting in one voice
A couple of little birds
To see a world out of the cage
If the wings soon grew
Trying to fly...

Honey Bee Dance


     Honey Bee is a miracle of the nature.Bees are very ECO-Friendly creatures.They are the best example of Co-oparation and the team workers.They used some techniques to communicate with each other."Bee Dance" is one of the most famous and fabulous communication method among them.

What is Honey-Bee Dance?

                              The honey bee dance is sometimes reffered to as the wraggle dance.the wraggle dance is one of the dances perfomed by the honey bee.

      We can see two type of Bee Dances.

1).Round dance - 
                  The honey bee dance will be "round" if the food saurce is close to the nest or hive.Interestingly, the closer the source of food,the more cycles performed.
     When the distance is further away more than 80m,she will add tail wags to the dance.

2).The tail-waggling Dance
               The waggle dance is really a round dance with tail wagging in the middle.further away the food source,the more waggle there are in the dance.the bee increase the waggle part of the dance by 1 second for every km of distance.

When was it discovered?

            The honey bee dance was first decoded by Austrian ethologist Karl Von Frisch in 1967.

Beauty And The Beast


A long time ago,
There was a girl lived with her father in a very beatific village.
The people who were lived in there, they were being peaceful and happy.
It was a dark night
Appalling wind was blowing through the village
It turned to a big snowstorm
That young girl was walking here and there
She was agog because of her father's delay.
At last she decided to go out from house for find her father
She went along the road;
It was filled with snow
Suddenly, she saw a huge dilapidated palace which was located in the end of the road.
It looked like a ghost banded palace
She entered into the palace!
When she get on to upstairs
She heard someone's muttering
She went towards that sound
And she was amazed.
Her farther was there!!
Suddenly, someone came
The young lass was so afraid.
There was a big beast in front of them
Her father yelled her to run
But finally she decided to being there instead of him.

She lived in there so many days
Slowly by slowly she was being closer with the beast
She got to know that the beast wasn't cruel
Actually he had a very sensitive heart
He saved her life and looked after her like a rose
He was not actually a beast,
He was under a curst!!!
She was begun to fall in love with the beast
She doesn't care about his appearance
She loves his heart, his mercy and only his soul
The beast always thought about her happiness
One day she had to go to home
But when she returned to the palace
She saw that the beast was going to be died
She cried a lot and she said that she loves him very much
and then she kissed him
Instantly, He shook off his curst,
He became a handsome prince and they lived together forever.

I finished my storytelling
My grand children were so happy by listening the new story..
But they couldn't understand the moral
  "True love is not based on the personal appearance"....


Comment writing on - "raise me up"

       This is a wonderful oqquestra that I've ever seen.It sings for a competition.but the amazing thing is all the singers are school children.according to my perspective,they have so much of practices and they did hard work because they did a difficult task.The success is based on the master who has handle this is incredible.This should be appreciated.