Honey Bee is a miracle of the nature.Bees are very ECO-Friendly creatures.They are the best example of Co-oparation and the team workers.They used some techniques to communicate with each other."Bee Dance" is one of the most famous and fabulous communication method among them.
What is Honey-Bee Dance?
The honey bee dance is sometimes reffered to as the wraggle dance.the wraggle dance is one of the dances perfomed by the honey bee.
We can see two type of Bee Dances.
1).Round dance -
The honey bee dance will be "round" if the food saurce is close to the nest or hive.Interestingly, the closer the source of food,the more cycles performed.
When the distance is further away more than 80m,she will add tail wags to the dance.
The waggle dance is really a round dance with tail wagging in the middle.further away the food source,the more waggle there are in the dance.the bee increase the waggle part of the dance by 1 second for every km of distance.
When was it discovered?
The honey bee dance was first decoded by Austrian ethologist Karl Von Frisch in 1967.
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