Monday, June 11, 2018


Every single breath
Until our death
Give several Aims
So much of pains

Living is a challenge
Like an evil's revenge
We have to that manage
Then it will well-arrange

No matter how hard it is..

There is nothing in this world that man cannot do
How much of hard to do something,
If there is a will, you can do it
No matter whatever the people say,
No matter whoever laugh at you
If you have a desire to do something
Do it as your wish.
If you've a unstoppable courage in your heart
Then no one dare to stop you.
Go along your path, If it is clear for you
Achieve your goal
No matter how hard it is...



When I came to know that
Among the thousands of students
I have been selected,
My happiness flew down as tears.
The day I've got the letter of UGC
I wanted to fly away everywhere
My heart was filled with happiness
My Mom also being so happy
When the day came,
I have been ready to enter the new world.
But when my Mom left me here
I cried secretly
Because I felt very unfamiliar with that world
Time Passed
Day by day I have been closed with others.
We laughed together, Studied together, Ate together, Slept together
Everything that we did,
We did it together.
That was a nice bond creating among us
It was beyond a friendship.
UNIVERSITY taught us everything
It taught us 'LIFE',
It taught us to bear,
It taught us to stay steady
We fight together, We win together  
When we lose, We bear the defeat together.
We always courage each other
No one let to Anyone put down
That's our bond
It's stronger than everything
No one could separate us
All those thing that we have got
Because of our UNIVERSITY...

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Lamentation Of The Iceberg

    Burdensome wind was blowing across the North Atlantic Ocean
    The surrounding was filled with tidy silences
    But, I was steady
    It was cold and dark night
    I saw a huge ship was coming towards me
    It looked like a small paradise in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
    I have seen number of ships
    But, all the ships went far from me
    I could see closely how large the ships were?
    Because I've never seen a ship this much of closer to me
    The ship was getting closer to me all the time
    I saw her name. It was on her neck

    When the water got clashed with my body, I came to my mind.

    I felt that something was going to be wrong
    I yelled,
    "Don't come anymore"
    But she didn't hear me
    Suddenly her one side clashed with my body
    I saw she got injured
    I'm also got damaged
    But I didn't care about me
    I felt very sorry about her
    Her speed slow down
    I heard people were screaming

   Atlantic Ocean was filled with pain
   Slowly by slowly "TITANIC" was begun to sink
   I saw all the gentleman were get off the ship
   Most of the people were running here and there
   They were combating with each other for save their lives.
   But, there was no chance to stop the disaster that was going to be happen
   The ship was broke in the middle 
   People were falling down into the sea
   I cried loudly
   But nobody could hear my pain
   At last the large, beautiful paradise of the Atlantic Ocean was going down under the sea.
   Within a few minutes
   'TITANIC' was completely sunk
    Atlantic Ocean was turned to calm..

    I felt guilty with myself
    I'm sorry 'TITANIC'
    I couldn't save you...